- About me 👋

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🙋🏻‍♂ Hey! I'm Cüneyt, a senior CS student, avid learner, problem solver, gamer, and tech enthusiast. I like spending most of my time online, learning and teaching myself pretty much anything I can get my hands on, from developments related to my major to understanding principles of game design. 🚀

📓 I am currently pursuing a bachelor's in computer science, and planning to graduate in 2023.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, learning and teaching myself new skills; both soft and hard.

Some technologies & languages I have experience with

☕   Java

💾   C#

🚀   Unity

💻   Lua

🎨   Photoshop

🎮   Löve2D

✨   HTML

⚙   JavaScript

👾   CSS

🐍 Py


🎮 Gaming

📕 Reading

👾 Dev

📸 Photo & Video


🕝 Age: 22

📍 Kirksville, MO, USA

📚 Truman State University

🎓 December, 2023

- Contact me 💭

Reach out, say hello! Contact me with any ideas you have, whether it's a project, OSS or anything else! 👋

- Résumé 📖

" It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. "

- Seneca

Window Art